Den lilla boken om Björnen (The Bear book) is a fairytale about a bear family and their human neighbours.
On human boy Claes´birthday something incredible happens – he spots a bear! A live bear, just outside the house. There is a big uppståndelse in the village, but the female bear Barka escapes far away into the forest to be left alone. A few months later she gives birth to three cubs, Nalle, Bruno and Ursus. One day, the three brothers are abandoned as their mother leaves to chase away a threatening intruder. The cubs roam on their own and once again Claes gets to see bears at close range.
Authors: Magnus Elander, Staffan Widstrand and Johan Lewenhaupt
Publisher: Egmont Richter in cooperation with Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) and ”The Big Five” project, 2002.
ISBN: 91-7711-715-8
Also published in Norwegian as Den lille boken om Bjørnen.